Future of global corporations: Key trends and how to turn them into strategy

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The company environment is ever-changing, and businesses need to adapt, finding new strategies to be competitive. This white paper from our international network nextcontinent on the future of global corporations tackles different key trends and provides guidelines to firms on how to turn them into strategy. Depending on the company size, sector, and geography, the approach needs to be customized.

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To prepare for change in business needs exploring scenarios for the future of companies. This report from out network nextcontinent
Gemeinsam Visionen schmieden: EGC gestaltete mit über 350 Experten die Zukunft der Raiffeisen Bankengruppe Niederösterreich-Wien.
Moderne Marketingabteilungen in Regionalbanken benötigen eine klare Struktur und eine enge Verzahnung mit dem Leitbild sowie der Strategie der Bank.